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Modelling materials   >>   FIMO SOFT modelling clay 57g

Fimo soft 57g. Raspberry

Modelling and hardening: Model and form FIMO. You can use modelling tools, f or example, to create and work out small details. Place the modell ed object on aluminium foil or a glass plate and le t it harden in the oven for a maximum of 30 minutes a t a temperature of 110°C/230°F. FIMO will only be completely hardened when cooled down to room tem perature. Use epoxy glue to repair broken parts as well as to connect FIMO with metal parts. Do not expose hardened material to temperatures exceeding 130°C/265°F! Storage: Store FIMO covered by aluminium foil or in PE bags (cling film) at room temperature. FIMO must not come into contact with polystyrene, p olyvinyl chloride or Styrofoam.
1.95 € 
Modelling and hardening: Model and form FIMO. You can use modelling tools, f or example, to create and work out small details. Place the modell ed object on aluminium foil or a glass plate and le t it harden in the oven for a maximum of 30 minutes a t a temperature of 110°C/230°F. FIMO will only be completely hardened when cooled down to room tem perature. Use epoxy glue to repair broken parts as well as to connect FIMO with metal parts. Do not expose hardened material to temperatures exceeding 130°C/265°F! Storage: Store FIMO covered by aluminium foil or in PE bags (cling film) at room temperature. FIMO must not come into contact with polystyrene, p olyvinyl chloride or Styrofoam.
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